#dan lilybell
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julix41-blog · 2 months ago
Danny and JD sheneigans be like:
Theyre just having ✨💅ICONIC💅✨ behavior.
Dan is me.
Los desmadres de Danny y JD be like.
No lo entiendes Kallan, es comportamiento ✨💅ICONICO💅✨
Dan me representa.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
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a drawing of my handsome Dan! along with, as always, some Lore, although it is a bit heavier. you were warned.
💙Dan's original family, the Magnes, are part of a social group in Danny's world called "Blue Bloods" which are precisely ancient and powerful magical families that in some way regulate the politics of the magical world. although Dan's family had lost relevance and importance in their last generations, being "removed" from this group.
💙 Dan's father would want to reestablish this and have talented and outstanding children, so he got VERY angry when Dan turned out to be a No-Mag, to the point that he constantly separated him from his other siblings and as he grew up he took out his frustration on him, with physical and emotional abuse. Dan's older brothers (Dmitri and Denzel) continued with him and constantly bullied their brother in a similar way.
💙Dan's mother didn't do much to stop her husband from having the same type of extremist ideas as him, although she definitely manipulated him into not leaving them. The only real ally Dan had at home was his younger brother Dante who wanted to protect him.
💙Dan used to be a very problematic teenager thanks to this, he used to smoke, drink alcohol as a minor, get into fights with his brothers, etc. Apart from the fact that he didn't get along with the majority of his class for being non-mag (remember that to go to a magical school as a non-mag or UNIQUO you need a recommendation, Dan went to the same school as his brothers and was the only non-mag student of his generation). Dan was also a very average student, with only 7's and 8's, not because he was average, but because his family's contempt was so deeply embedded in him that he thought he couldn't do much more :,(
💙at least thanks to his escapes from school he met a lady named Abigail, who helped him when he needed to get away from his parents for a couple of days. Dan would go to her if he needed a break from his family life and in general she treated him with respect and love that he was not used to (she is the same woman who gave him a property to do his traveling key§ business).
💙currently, Dan's father died for unknown reasons (he got involved with shady people) and his mother left him the house where he and Danny currently live. He doesn't talk to his brothers but lets Danny have a relationship with her cousins, while he and his brothers remain in an awkward silence. He doesn't forgive them at all. to any family member. but at least he always has Dante on his side.
UFFAA, THAT WAS INTENSE. soon there will be more Wolrd bulding. wait for it ;)
I hope you like it!
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moocha-muses · 6 years ago
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“Say, Dan, is there a special diet for when you  . . . ‘raise’ babies?”
“You know how I love to experiment in the kitchen, lilybelle! I swore by buttermilk and thyme for a while, and of course there’s that old chestnut: feed them on suet, drown them in brandy, and hide under a napkin while you eat so your sins are hidden from a judgmental world.”
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julix41-blog · 3 months ago
Additional, Dan is a canon romantic asexual.
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I bring back my ocs! this time Danny's tired father. Dan Lilybell. a traveling key§ entrepreneur who tries to maintain his sanity by working and supporting a family as a single father.
🗝️Dan is a non-Mage, the product of a rare condition in Danny's world, which is when a child's parents have completely opposite magics that overlap and cancel each other out (Dan's mother had water magic and his father fire magic). as a result Dan was the only one of 4 siblings to be born without magic.
🗝️ Thanks to this, Dan's father wasn't very good to him at all, but maybe he'll go deeper into it in some drawing. In general, Dan doesn't talk to anyone in his family. except his younger brother Dante.
🗝️It is a tradition in Dan's family that names start with "D" or that each generation follows a letter of the alphabet, which is why Danny and Dan have such similar names. It's a habit and overall, Dan wants to make the tradition his own and leave his "old family" behind.
🗝️He made his own business with the help of a lady whom he visited constantly, who on her deathbed left him a property in her name and he made it his Traveler Key§ store.
🗝️according to him, he met Janice (Danny's mother) through mutual friends. But they didn't formally become friends until he needed help in his store and since Janice liked to remodel old things, she gave him a hand and they became close.
🗝️Dan really likes forging but he doesn't currently have the resources to indulge very often.
🗝️he hates almost all types of meat, but he likes KFC for some reason.
🗝️I don't see him having a relationship in the near future(but i don't have a problem with people shiping him).
🗝️Tired Dad, having a Daughter with special magic is exhausting, but he always works hard to provide everything Danny needs.
🗝️Despite the fact that he is the only brother he leaves in his life, Dante constantly makes affectionate jokes with him. although Dan is not a big fan of humor in general.
🗝️Dan has many burns from working making Traveler Key§, mainly from liquid fire. He have them mainly in his arms.
🗝️as soon as he could, he changed his last name to his wife's. which by the way, his original surname "Magne" is French, it means "the mighty."
🗝️despite having 0 interest in dating, for some reason people seem to like him despite being a non-Wizard, he finds it awkward.
I hope You like it 💙
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julix41-blog · 4 months ago
Danny's World
Synopsis: Danny's World is a project that tells the story of Danny Lilybell, a U.N.I.QUO Mage girl who lives in the Floating City "Alvaluz" with her father Dan, a Non-Mage. Her story will tell how Danny adapts to her own social problems while trying to solve the mystery around her mother and family in general.
1 2
Danny "Daniela" Lilybell
Janice Lilybell
Dan Magne Lilybell
Dante Magne
Jaiden Lilybell
Zaneri Batillie
Jaden Draco "JD" Lockheart
Elric Magne
Rafaela Andreas
Kallan Milijove
Irina Ivanovna
Andrei Leroy
Morgan Huved Perks
Flora Perks Huved
Alfonsina Huved Perks
Lorenzo Huved Perks
Trisha Goldheart
El Mundo de Danny
Sinopsis: El Mundo de Danny es un proyecto que va sobre la historia de Danny Lilybell, una chica U.N.I.QUO que vive en la Ciudad Flotante "Alvaluz" con su padre Dan, un No-Mago. su historia va a relatar como Danny se adapta a sus propios problemas sociales mientras trata de resolver el misterio alrededor de su madre y familia en general.
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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✨ WARNA LILYBELLE 3.0 PALING LAKU SELEPAS WARNA HITAM DAN PASTEL ✨ Haiiii korang, korang tahu tak warna grey ni adalah warna ketiga paling hot customer cari selepas warna hitam dan warna pastel? Ada 5 warna pilihan untuk korang pilih iaitu: ♥️ Glam Grey ♥️ Ash Grey ♥️ Deep Grey ♥️ Navy Grey ♥️ Slate Grey Warna paling laku? Sudah tentu ✨ GLAM GREY ✨ So, apa korang tunggu lagi? Stock sangat limited tau. Jommm click link di bio untuk order sekarang 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Free consultation tau, tanya je apa-apa sampai puas hati http://wasap.my/60182816452/incrediblemuslimahforyou #tudungsarung #tudungsarungmurah #tudungsarungcantik #tudunginstant #tudunginstant #tudungsarungplain #tudungsarungmosscrepe #awningscuba #tudunginstantmurah #tudunginstantberkualiti #tudungsarungcloverush #purdah #shawlinstant #shawlpalestine #bawalpalestine #tudungpalestine #bajukurung #tshirtlabuh #shawl #tudungbawal #tudungironless #tudungviral #bawalinstant #tudungraya #bajuraya #kasutraya #tudunghitam #tudungputih #skirt #blouse https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzWMz9t_lD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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Uji minda pagi2🤭 ✨ 𝑺𝒊𝒂𝒑𝒂 𝒔𝒂𝒚𝒂? ✨ Jeng3, korang rasa saya siapa?. Ramai tertukar saya dengan sepupu saya iaitu Lilybelle. Badan saya diperbuat daripada material premium mosscrepe dan saya ada 29 adik beradik warna 🎨 Orang suka saya sebab ironless, pastu saya ni stretchable dan dapat jimatkan masa korang nak bersiap 💨💨💨 Saya jugaaaa ada discount sehingga RM 57 tau dan paling best adalah saya ada 3 kawan berbeza saiz iaitu sorang nama M Slim, sorang lagi L Slim dan sorang lagi L Regular 🤭🤭🤭 Korang rasa saya siapaaaa? Cepat teka, banyak dah hint tu saya bagi. 🤭 #tudungsarung #tudungsarungmurah #tudungsarungcantik #tudunginstant #tudunginstant #tudungsarungplain #tudungsarungmosscrepe #awningscuba #tudunginstantmurah #tudunginstantberkualiti #tudungsarungcloverush #purdah #shawlinstant #shawlpalestine #bawalpalestine #tudungpalestine #bajukurung #tshirtlabuh #shawl #tudungbawal #tudungironless #tudungviral #bawalinstant #tudungraya #bajuraya #kasutraya #tudunghitam #tudungputih #skirt #blouse https://www.instagram.com/p/CQrtTkoNqsl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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julix41-blog · 3 months ago
Dato curioso! Dan está basado en mi papá
A Reel i Made for Instagram of how the relationship of Danny with her Father is❣️
💙as implied, Danny and Dan are going through a difficult time, both emotionally and financially. You could say that someone who hurt his family a lot is going to have an appeal in the events of the story, so the tension is HIGH in all the Floating Cities (since this person hurt a lot of MANY people) and it is especially difficult for Danny because she couldn't give a proper grieff.
💙 Dan is no better, he has to deal with a certain salary gap that (like No-Mag) does not allow him to charge beyond a certain amount that does not cover more than the basics, so he is forced to reduce several things his daily life so that Danny lives comfortably.
💙Despite everything, Dan and Danny have a good relationship, they see themselves as a team. They have both been through the same thing so they know they are devastated, they try to support each other as much as possible (Dan working and Danny returning to studying normally).
💙before all, Dan was much happier, obviously. This is less important, but I thought it would be nice. Dan used to give Danny a Pixxie haircut and because of that she earned a nickname with her family.
💙Dan and Danny enjoy watching sitcoms together, sometimes even horror movies (nothing too Gore, Dan can't handle it) and generally having a nice father-daughter afternoon.
💙Dan is usually very supportive of Danny's powers! When it was colder than usual in "Alvaluz" he took her to parks or lakes so they could skate together, this way they had fun and Dan taught her ways to handle herself without magic in his style.
just...the two of them being a healthy father and daughter duo.
Un Reel que hice para Instagram de como es la relación de Danny con su padre❣️
💙cómo se deja implícito, Danny y Dan están pasando por un momento difícil, tanto emocional como financiero. se podría decir que alguien que lastimo mucho a su familia va a tener una apelación en los eventos de la historia, por lo que la tensión es ALTA en todas las Ciudades Flotantes (ya que está persona lastimo a mucha MUCHA gente) y es especialmente difícil para Danny porque ella no pudo dar un Lugo adecuado.
💙 Dan no está mejor, que tiene que lidiar con cierta brecha salarial que (como No-Mag) no le permite cobrar más allá de cierta cantidad que no da para más que lo básico, por lo que se ve obligado a rebajar varias cosas de su vida diaria para que Danny vivía cómodamente.
💙Pese a todo, Dan y Danny tienen una buena relación, se ven como un equipo. ambos han pasado por lo mismo por lo que saben que están devastados, tratan de apoyarse en la medida de lo posible(Dan trabajando y Danny volviendo a estudiar normalmente).
💙antes de todo, Dan era bastante más alegre, obvio. esto tiene menos importancia, pero creía que sería lindo. Dan solía darle a Danny un corte de pelo tipo Pixxie y gracias a eso se ganó un apodo con su familia.
💙Dan y Danny disfrutan de ver sitcoms juntos, a veces incluso películas de terror(nada muy Gore, Dan no puede manejarlo) y en general pasar una linda tarde padre-hija.
💙¡Dan suele apoyar mucho los poderes de Danny! cuando habia más frío de lo usual en "Alvaluz" el la llevaba a parques o lagos para poder patinar juntos, de esta forma se divertian y Dan le enseñaba formas de manejarse sin magia a su estilo.
solo...los dos siendo un duo de padre e hija sanos.
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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✨ 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒃𝒐 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒐 𝑳𝒊𝒍𝒚𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 2.0 ✨ "Alahai, teringin nak beli tudung sarung macam jiran sebelah tu. Ada promo tak eh?" "SUSAH la nak PdPr bila kena lilit gosok tudung ni, nak cari tudung sarung murah lah" Haluuu, korang tahu tak yang tudung Lilybelle ada promo tau sekarang. Promosi dua helai dan dapat jimat sehingga RM 30 tau 😱😱😱 Dan nak menarik lagi, dua hari lepas baru HQ restock 12 warna bagi saiz M Slim dan L Slim tau untuk korang grab 🥳🥳🥳 So sampai bila promo ni? Sampai habis stock. Better cepat grab sebab no more restock untuk Lilybelle 2.0 ni dalam masa terdekat 😉😉😉 http://wasap.my/60182816452/incrediblemuslimahforyou2 #tudungsarungmurah #cloverush #tudungmurah #tudungsarunglabuh #tudungsarungplain #tudungsarungcotton #tudungsarungkerja #tudungkerja #tudungcantik #scarves #instantscarves #scarvesmurah #lilybellebycloverush #faithbycloverush #annebellebycloverush #cloverush2021 #seluarwanita #seluarputih #cloveragent #ramadankareem #ramadhan2021 #bajukurung https://www.instagram.com/p/CQiFLKltl9w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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✨ 𝑳𝒊𝒍𝒚𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂! ✨ Lilybelle ni tengok pun nampak lembut dah kain dia, apatah lagi bila pakai 🥳🥳🥳 One best thing pasal Cloverush adalah setiap siri yang baharu akan ada penambahbaikan dan kelebihan tersendiri 😉 Paling best adalah kualiti akan sentiasa mantap dan terjamin tau. Agak-agaknya, kalau saya citer pasal promosi Lilybelle korang nak tak 🤭 Nantikan tau, kitorang akan banjirkan social media dengan Lilybelle. Brace yourself 😎😎😎 http://wasap.my/601182816452/incrediblemuslimahforyou #tudungsarungmurah #cloverush #tudungmurah #tudungsarunglabuh #tudungsarungplain #tudungsarungcotton #tudungsarungkerja #tudungkerja #tudungcantik #scarves #instantscarves #scarvesmurah #lilybellebycloverush #faithbycloverush #annebellebycloverush #cloverush2021 #seluarwanita #tudungsarung #tudungsarungbedah #tudungsarungprinted #tudungsarungcantik #tudungsarungberdagu #tudungsarungsoftawning #tudungprinted #tudungmurahmalaysia #tudungmuslimah #instantbawal https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXqF04t8mv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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✨ 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝒍𝒚𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆 ✨ Berpagi di pasar melihat orang ramai, Itu kerana orang membeli beras, Menjadi kegilaan ramai juwita, Itulah dia Lilybelle Cloverush. Mantap bukan, dah cakap idea bangun tidur ni lain dari yang lain sebab tu tidur kita kena cukup tau (tiber) 🤭 Koleksi yang dinantikan oleh ramai customer VIP Camellia, iaitu Lilybelle Series dah tiba 🥳🥳🥳 Eh Lilybelle ada berapaaaa adik beradik? ♥️ Lilybelle OM ♥️ Lilybelle 1.0 ♥️ Lilybelle 1.1 ♥️ Lilybelle 2.0 ♥️ Lilybelle 3.0 Senang kata, Lilybelle ni adalah signature product Cloverush sebab bila sebut Cloverush, ding dong teringat Lilybelle 🥳🥳🥳 Satu lagi, Lilybelle ni agak nostalgic dan romantic sebab ni adalah design yang menjadi cinta pertama ramai customer kami 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 So korang jatuh cinta dengan koleksi mana? Saya Lilybelle OM 🤭 http://wasap.my/601182816452/lillybelleforyou #tudungsarungmurah #cloverush #tudungmurah #tudungsarunglabuh #tudungsarungplain #tudungsarungcotton #tudungsarungkerja #tudungkerja #tudungcantik #scarves #instantscarves #scarvesmurah #lilybellebycloverush #faithbycloverush #annebellebycloverush #cloverush2021 #seluarwanita #seluarputih #cloveragent #ramadankareem #ramadhan2021 #bajukurung https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXSntjtegS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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julix41-blog · 3 months ago
El pobre Dan es cotizado por las damas y caballeros y el no tiene idea, sinceramente me da gracia porque yo me lo imagino así:
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🗝️Dan es un no-Mago producto de una condición rara en el mundo de Danny, que es cuando los padres de un niño tienen magias completamente opuestas que se sobreponen y anulan a la otra(la madre de Dan tenía magia de agua y su padre Magia de fuego). como resultado Dan fue el único de 4 hermanos en nacer sin magia.
🗝️ gracias a esto mismo, el padre de Dan no era muy bueno con el, pero talvez lo profundice más en algún dibujo. en general Dan no se habla con nadie se su familia. excepto su hermano menor Dante.
🗝️es una tradición en la familia de Dan que los nombres empiecen con "D" o con que cada generación se siga una letra del abecedario, por eso Danny y Dan tienen nombres tan similares. es un hábito y en general, Dan quiere hacer la tradición suya y dejar atrás a su "vieja familia".
🗝️el hizo su propio negocio con ayuda de una señora a la cual visitaba constantemente, que en su lecho de muerte le dejo una propiedad a su nombre y el la hizo su tienda de Llaves Viajera§.
🗝️según el, conoció a Janice(la madre de Danny) por amigos en común. pero no se hicieron amigos formalmente hasta que el necesito ayuda en su tienda y como a Janice le gustaba remodelar cosas viejas, le dió una mano y se hicieron cercanos.
🗝️Dan le gusta mucho forjar pero no tiene los recursos en la actualidad para darse muy seguido el gusto.
🗝️odia casi todo tipo de carne, pero el KFC le gusta por alguna razón.
🗝️no lo veo teniendo una relación en el futuro cercano.
🗝️Tired Dad, tener una Hija con magia especial es agotador, pero siempre trabaja duro para proveer todo lo que Danny necesite.
🗝️pese a que es el único hermano que deja en su vida, Dante constantemente le hace bromas cariñosas. aunque Dan no es muy fanático del humor en general.
🗝️Dan tiene muchas quemaduras por trabajar haciendo Llaves viajera§, principalmente por el fuego líquido. las tiene principalmente en sus brazos.
🗝️en cuanto pudo se cambió su apellido por el de su esposa. que por cierto, su apellido original "Magne" es francés, significa "el grande".
🗝️pese a tener 0 interés en citas, por alguna razón las personas parecen quererlo pese a ser un no-Mago, lo encuentra incómodo.
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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🇵🇸 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒊𝒍 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂 🇵🇸 "Manfaat pertama yang bisa dirasakan dari bersedekah adalah untuk si pemberi sedekah itu sendiri, yaitu dia melihat perubahan dalam diri dan sikapnya, merasakan kedamaian, serta melihat senyuman di wajah orang lain."❤ Untuk kali ini, Cloverush akan menderma RM 5 bagi setiap pembelian sehelai Lilybelle 3.0🤗 Korang tak perlu tambah duit pun, hanya membeli seperti biasa dan harga yang biasa☺ Kami akan spare RM 5 setiap helai untuk disumbangkan kepada saudara seagama kita yang sedang genting dalam penindasan zalim zionis🇵🇸❤ Dua manfaat diperoleh iaitu: ♥️ Mendapat sehelai tudung yang selesa ♥️ Dapat memberi sedikit sebanyak kepada saudara kita yang memerlukan Usaha kami tidak seberapa jika ingin dibandingkan dengan orang lain, tapi tidak mengapa. Allah takkan pernah sia-siakan kebaikan kita walaupun sekecil zarah💞 Jommm click link di bio untuk order Lilybelle 3.0 sambil menderma🇵🇸❤🍀 http://wasap.my/60182816452/lillybelle3 #puasa6 #puasasyawal #ganjaranpuasa6 #savepalestine #savesheikhjarrah #israelkoyak #israelterrorist #gazaunderattack #freepalestine #visitisrael #standwithisrael #israelunderattack #standwithpalestine #covid19 #stayhome #staysafe #israeltravel #israeldefenseforces #israel #israelinstagram #israelfood #israeligirls #israeloftheday #israel_times #israelmodel #israeltrip #iloveisrael #israeltherealterrorist #israel_best #donationforpalestine https://www.instagram.com/p/CPCg6aVt1z8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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Haluuuu Clovelets tersayang!!🤗🍀 Good news utk uolls🚨😊😍 🔥🔥Warna baharu Lilybelle 3.0 🔥🔥 Harini kita nak announce 4 warna baharu untuk siri Lilybelle 3.0 iaitu😘😘😘 ♥️ Joy ♥️ Calm ♥️ Bliss ♥️ Love Semua 4 ni warna yang lembut dan memberi vibe 𝒌𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒏 dan 𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒏💞🍀 Untuk tahu lebih details, boleh click link di bio untuk free consultation tau 🥳🥳🥳🥳 http://wasap.my/60182816452/lillybellev3 #enchanted #faithenchanted #faithenchantedbycloverush #tudungsarungmurah #tudungsarungcloverush #tudungsarungcantik #tudungsarungprinted #cloverush #tudungmurah #tudungsarunglabuh #tudungsarungplain #tudungsarungcotton #tudungsarungkerja #tudungkerja #tudungcantik #scarves #instantscarves #scarvesmurah #lilybellebycloverush #faithbycloverush #annebellebycloverush #cloverush2021 #seluarwanita #seluarputih #cloveragent #ramadankareem #ramadhan2021 #bajukurung https://www.instagram.com/p/CPAlnIvty3D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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🔥CLOVERUSH HOT SELLING🔥 🍀🧕🏻LILYBELLE V2.0 [L SLIM]🧕🏻🍀 😱😱Promotion: 2 pcs RM80 (Harga asal RM55 sehelai) While stocks last...!!🥳 💚LILYBELLE 💚 diperbuat daripada material FULL COTTON pada bahagian AWNING dan juga BODY. Material 🤗TAK BERBULU 🥺LEBIH RINGAN 🥶LEBIH SEJUK Dijamin SUPER selesa dan SUPER tak panas🤗🌸 Sebarang pertanyaan dan pembelian boleh whatsapp sis Eli- 0182816452😉🥰 https://wa.link/e7jztk (link ada kat bio, tekan je!) #tudung #tudungmurah #tudungcantik #tudungsarung #tudungsarungmurah #tudungsarungcantik #tudungironless #tudungironlessmurah #tudungsarungmalaysia #tudungsarungplain #sayajualtudungsarung #tudungonline #tudungonlinemurah #tudungmalysia #tudungonlinemalaysia #tudungsarungprinted #instantshawlprinted #dropshipper #tudunginstant #cloverushagent #tudunginstantmurah #tudunginstantcantik #sayajualtudunginstant #saletudung #clearancesaletudung #incrediblemuslimah #cloverush #tudungmosscrepe #tudungplain https://www.instagram.com/p/CNT9bggHUU6/?igshid=i2qrhy35rnar
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aliaakma28 · 4 years ago
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